Foods - EST. 1958 - Regina Slide Slide

Regina Foods

Kourantidis Nikolaos

Regina Company Produces and Trades Honey, Jams, Sesame Bars and Spoon Sweets by following a specific workflow and procedures in order always to provide Quality products to its clients.

Our Goals

- Always provide quality products in the best price possible.
- Always follow quality standards
- Our clients is our No1 Priority
- Always investing in Global Markets

Περισσoτερα για μας
 Highest Standards!



Regina Company Produces and Trades Honey, Jams, Sesame Bars and Spoon Sweets by following a specific workflow and procedures in order always to provide Quality products to its clients.



Spoon Sweets

Sesame Bars

Our soul is our products



We would love to hear you!

    Sindos Industrial Area
    ΟΤ39Α C Zone, Thessaloniki 57022

    Tel : 0030 2310.706.481
    E-mail. [email protected]

    Working Hours

    Monday - Friday
    09.00 – 17.00

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